Keith Grinsted MBA FRSA
Published Work

Open University Business School Articles

Simplifying Project Management

Have you been given a project to manage?

Do you get the feeling you need a project manager just to decide which project management method to use?

Well let’s try and simplify things for you. We’ll dispel your fears and help you successfully manage your project.

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The pitfalls of using AI or a ‘resume factory’ to create your CV

Sitting down to update your CV can be a daunting task.

Even worse is having to create a new one from scratch.

It can be very tempting to use AI or what I will call a “resume factory“.

But there are pitfalls to going down this route.

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How to come up with ideas for a blog post

Need to write a blog but stuck with a blank screen?

There can be nothing more intimidating than a blank word processor screen. 

It’s the old blank sheet of paper. 

You’ve hit ‘File’ ‘New’ then ‘Blank Document’. 

Even the file name sounds daunting.

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Tips on Managing Remote and Hybrid Teams

In these post-COVID times many business owners and senior executives are still having to come to terms with dealing with remote / hybrid workers.

Managing a remote team comes with unique challenges, especially when it comes to ensuring their health and well-being. Here are 20 tips to help you support your remote team members.

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Do You Need a Business Blog?

Keith Grinsted MBA FRSA is available for businesses and charities who need human-written content. Whatever you need:
  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Ebooks
  • White Papers
Please get in touch for rates.
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Top Tips For Decision-making in Business - 01

The first of two articles we consider the types of decisions that business owners face from day to day whether strategic, tactical, or operational. 

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Top Tips For Decision-making in Business - 02

The second of two articles on decisions business owners face day-to-day.
In part 2, we provide some tools you may find useful in the decision-making process.

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All About CRM For Your Business

Part 1: Introduction to CRM

Part 2: Benefits of CRM

Part 3: Choosing the Right CRM

Part 4: Implementing CRM in Your Business

Part 5: Maximizing CRM Effectiveness

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Huffington Post Blogs

Are You Making Things Happen?

It's a bit like your life being a car travelling along the road. If you never learnt to drive then you have no control over the speed and direction the car takes. You are a passenger in your own life and your future is being controlled by someone else.
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Do You Walk On The Sunny Side Of The Street?

Are you more likely to walk on the sunny side if you feel good about yourself? If you feel confident and at one with the world are you more likely to choose the sunny side? If you are feeling a little down, ill at ease, not in a good place, are you more likely to walk on the shady side?
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Is Stress Ruling Your Life?

OK, there's the plus side that we can choose to work where we want. But the downside is we lose track of the regular workplace routines - coffee/tea break and lunch - as the day merges into one extended period, and we are constantly dealing with emails, texts, social media messages, etc.
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